Arcus Senilis is a light gray ring surrounding the iris, common in older patients; in younger patients it might indicate a type of lipid metabolism disorder, which is a precursor to coronary artery disease.

Xanthelasma is yellowish raised plaques on the skin surrounding the eyes. Can also appear on the elbows. This is a possible indication, or sign of hypercholesterolemia, often a precursor to coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis).

2 To 1 Complete Heart Block


Palpation, or touching, is the next part of the exam. In the stop above, if we noted any abnormalities, we will now palpate and evaluate them further.

Skin: temperature, texture, moisture, lumps, bumps, tenderness.

Examination of extremities for edema might also indicate a cardiovascular problem. Examine the feet, ankles, sacrum, abdomen, trunk, and face for edema. If you notice puffiness of frank edema, then palpate the area for pitting edema. Most facilities recognize the following scale:

+1 Pitting Edema


0 to ¼ inch indentation

+2 Pitting Edema


¼ to ½ inch indentation

+3 Pitting Edema


½ to 1 inch indentation

+4 Pitting Edema


More than 1 inch indentation

Breathing: lay hands the chest at different locations and feel the respiratory patterns, feel the ribs elevate and separate during normal breathing.

Pre-Cordial Areas you can feel the pounding of the heartbeat, normal and abnormal pulsations o the chest wall; PMI, as mentioned above.

Arteries: Assess all pulses

You undoubtedly assessed the apical pulse earlier when you took the patient’s vital signs, if not, now is the time. Assess the following pulses:

Do not palpate carotid on persons with known carotid disease or bruits; listen with stethoscope instead; and do not palpate both carotid pulses at the same time.

Carotid Artery:

Bounding Pulse - (Grade IV) can be due to hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, others; associated with high pulse pressure, the upstroke and downstroke of the pulse waves are very sharp.

It is common to use +1, +2, etc. when recording pulses:

Complete Heart 1 2 0

Veins Socialite 1 5 4. – neck, arms, legs, etc.

Complete Heart 1 2 Esv

Next: Part II: Assessment Techniques, Con't.